I think that it is no such thing as a high class prostitute. A prostitute is a prostitute and just because they don’t have the same prices doesn’t mean they can rate each other. If that’s what they choose to do, they just nasty. I found out that the governor of New York was caught trying to get with this so called “high classed call girl” which to me means a prostitute that wants a lot of money but still nasty. Any other time a prostitute would be arrested and stuff but she didn’t get arrested I don’t know why.
-La Tajh
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
My Friend's Story
I feel concerned about my friend because she is hoeing for money and she could just get a job.
But then I see women like the one who just got caught with the governor who never gets in trouble and I wonder why things are different for my friend who’s been in juvenile at least seven times for prostitution.
She met her pimp at a girlfriend’s house. He didn’t pimp his girlfriend, but started pimping my friend. She was in a group home at the time. She would run away from the group home to be with him. Even though he was using her, he would also buy her things and make her look cute and feel good about herself. So she liked being with him. It almost seemed like she saw him as family. She’s 17 and is still prostituting.
I don’t think she woke up one day and decided to prostitute. I think he said something to her that made her think it would be okay to do it.
This woman in the news decided to sell her body to pay for her music career. She is an adult and my friend a minor. She is called a “high class call girl” while my friend is a street ho or prostitute. She gets the third most viewed Myspace page on the internet while my friend goes to juvenile over and over.
Why is that?
But then I see women like the one who just got caught with the governor who never gets in trouble and I wonder why things are different for my friend who’s been in juvenile at least seven times for prostitution.
She met her pimp at a girlfriend’s house. He didn’t pimp his girlfriend, but started pimping my friend. She was in a group home at the time. She would run away from the group home to be with him. Even though he was using her, he would also buy her things and make her look cute and feel good about herself. So she liked being with him. It almost seemed like she saw him as family. She’s 17 and is still prostituting.
I don’t think she woke up one day and decided to prostitute. I think he said something to her that made her think it would be okay to do it.
This woman in the news decided to sell her body to pay for her music career. She is an adult and my friend a minor. She is called a “high class call girl” while my friend is a street ho or prostitute. She gets the third most viewed Myspace page on the internet while my friend goes to juvenile over and over.
Why is that?
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Slow Killer
Some people don’t get tested because they don’t think they need to because of what their partner said. When I got tested, I was really nervous because I didn’t want to be infected with the virus. When I found out that I was negative I was so happy - then I thought about the people who are infected and how they are dying in slow motion: bones swollen, weak and hard to stand -- that’s what I picture when I think of these men and women, silent. But no one cares ...
Do you think if you use a condom sometimes you won’t get nothing, think again. AIDS is a killer, but it don’t ever want to be alone so it keeps finding new partners – keeps finding new ways to infect and kill.
- Lil Missy Says So
Do you think if you use a condom sometimes you won’t get nothing, think again. AIDS is a killer, but it don’t ever want to be alone so it keeps finding new partners – keeps finding new ways to infect and kill.
- Lil Missy Says So
HIV Testing
Well, HIV testing for me is like a must do, have to – just to be on the safe side. Sometimes I’m nervous, sometimes not.
Because they can tell you you’re HIV positive and I think it would mean you don’t have that long to live, or at least that your life would change a lot.
When I go get tested I'm always nervous but when it all comes down to it, I’ve been negative. When you hear you're negative, it takes all the pressure off your head. Sometimes, when you hear you’re positive - some people break down and cry.
I think it’s good to get tested because you will know that you’re on the safe side - and if you catch it, you will know who you got it from.
When, I first went to get tested I was so nervous I couldn’t be still. I didn't cry, I just kept praying - hoping I didn’t have nothing and I was HIV negative.
Hiv testing is not bad - try it!!!!!!
-Shelkeia Green
Because they can tell you you’re HIV positive and I think it would mean you don’t have that long to live, or at least that your life would change a lot.
When I go get tested I'm always nervous but when it all comes down to it, I’ve been negative. When you hear you're negative, it takes all the pressure off your head. Sometimes, when you hear you’re positive - some people break down and cry.
I think it’s good to get tested because you will know that you’re on the safe side - and if you catch it, you will know who you got it from.
When, I first went to get tested I was so nervous I couldn’t be still. I didn't cry, I just kept praying - hoping I didn’t have nothing and I was HIV negative.
Hiv testing is not bad - try it!!!!!!
-Shelkeia Green
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