Tuesday, March 4, 2008

HIV Testing

Well, HIV testing for me is like a must do, have to – just to be on the safe side. Sometimes I’m nervous, sometimes not.


Because they can tell you you’re HIV positive and I think it would mean you don’t have that long to live, or at least that your life would change a lot.

When I go get tested I'm always nervous but when it all comes down to it, I’ve been negative. When you hear you're negative, it takes all the pressure off your head. Sometimes, when you hear you’re positive - some people break down and cry.

I think it’s good to get tested because you will know that you’re on the safe side - and if you catch it, you will know who you got it from.

When, I first went to get tested I was so nervous I couldn’t be still. I didn't cry, I just kept praying - hoping I didn’t have nothing and I was HIV negative.

Hiv testing is not bad - try it!!!!!!

-Shelkeia Green

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