Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Condom Dispensers in Schools: Bad Idea

Okay, so I read this article about how in Brazil, they decided to put condom dispensers in schools to fight the spread of AIDS. Now, I just don’t think this is a good idea because people in the school can go behind the school or like in a classroom and have sex. Alternatively, they'll have oral sex. That is just trifling to me because that’s really going to want kids to do it more just because they see the condoms there. So, in my option, I think it is a bad idea. In general about condoms, I think that some people use condoms and some don’t. However, what I hear from hoes when I was locked up was that they don’t use condoms. That's nasty. I think people don’t use condoms because they say it feels good but that’s how people catch stuff.

- Shelkeia

Sex, Today and Before

I read an article that looked at the way people were having sex in the 1940s and 50s and then now, or a few years ago. I think that the article was wrong because in the article it says that between 1943 and 1999 the age of of first intercourse dropped to 15 from 19 for females, while the percentage in 1943, according to the study that appears in the most recent issue of the Review of General Psychology, went from 13 percent to 47 percent for sexually active young women. I think that is a lie because I think that young women didn't really start having sex at young ages until like the year 2000, because back in the day people really didn’t get down from what I hear -- because my mom and grandma told me the story of how it went down in the old days. In addition, I think that they are trying to put on too thick and put it as if it was happening. I also think that people were having sex in the old days because there were always young women and older women hoing back in the old days -- but that doesn't really count.

- Shelkeia

A Good Relationship

What makes a good relationship? I think the perfect couple would be when the two people are actually in love, not just they love each other. I think if you in a good relationship then even when you and the person you with get in an argument or something you could just be back cool in a couple of minutes. When you in a good relationship you should be happy to see your boyfriend or girlfriend, or be happy to be with them.

What I look for in a boyfriend is their personality, that’s the first thing because if they are cute they might be too cocky or they just probably do too much, but I would look at their looks too. We have to be able to be in a relationship too, we can’t argue and fight all the time or we can’t not talk at all or barely say things to each other. For me, at first, I did not like my boyfriend – he wasn’t good looking but his personality made me like him more and more. We talk all the time and we never argue and we both love each other, so I would say we are in a very good relationship.

One of my friends was in a bad relationship because the boy was too controlling, but he bought her everything and anything she wanted and she felt bad to break up with him because he claimed he loved her, but that’s over now. It took me a while, maybe a year to fall in love with my boyfriend. I liked him but when we started going out -- I don’t know what happened. First I liked him, but it just wasn’t happening. Then he liked me and I guess I just started liking him again and he asked me out and I said yeah.

-- Latajh


Laura Sessions Stepp wrote this book called Unhooked. Basically, she is talking about when teens and people in their 20s just hook up -- meaning have sex with no strings attached. She thinks it is happening with all teens, but to me, I think people at least have boyfriends first or something. I don’t think they just find people and just hook up. Either way, it’s nasty. At my school, I never hear people saying they are going to hook up with someone. But I hear them saying stuff like: "I’m going to hook you up with that boy," meaning, like, I’m going to try to get you guys to go out as boyfriend and girlfriend.


When We First Started Mob’n

It was July 1, 2007 when I got the message that this cute-ass boy named D’sean liked me. I was hella juiced. I got the message on MySpace, you know, the website. He sent the message and I replied. I said: “Man, I’m glad you sent this message because if I would have gotten it any later I would have went crazy. I’m looking forward to being your wife!!” I had been looking at him for so long and he finally decided to tell me I’m the girl he wants to be his wife. We started talking, then dating and next thing you know I felt loved and appreciated and I didn’t want to let him go. So now I'm sitting here telling this story about my love life and how it feels to be loved! I been in this relationship for six months and it's real cool. I mean it will only work if it's real love like us. D’sean & Sitkeya gone mob 4ever, even when the sun ain't out, we gonna stick together through rainy weather.

-- Sitkeya Simmons

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Raven's Love Mistake

It all started when I meet this boy named Dez. We started talking when I meet him through my best friend at her house and he came up to me and want to know my name and when I told him my name he knew who exactly who I was, because I knew his lil sister. After we found out about each other we started to like each other and from then we started to talk.

After a couple of months went by, we became very close to each other. Three months then passed and we were always together and people didn’t like that, so they started to make rumors about us. When the rumors started to get back to us, we started to argue a lot. Then one day after that we said we should separate.

Weeks after that happened, we found out that it was people hating on us and we got back together and said we wasn’t going to listen to what people had to say about us anymore.

Not long after that we got into a big argument because my cousin said she seen him with another girl, so when I approached him about it – of course, he denied it and said my cousin was lying, but he was the one who was lying but I ended up giving him one more chance.

After two years, we finally called the quits because it was too much for both of us. But now we both are friends to this day and will always be friends because everyone has there ups and downs and it took us two years to figure that out but we cool.

Yours truly,
Raven M.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Loyalty of Shelkeia Green's Relationship

Well, it started when I was 12 years old. I met my boyfriend when I was coming out of my house and going to hang out. I saw my boyfriend sitting with all my play-brothers and he asked me my name and I told him. Ever since then, we have been going out. Then I got into some trouble when I was 14. I got caught with a gun at Mac High and the principal pressed charges on me. From there on, it seemed like I couldn’t stay out of jail

My boyfriend started to get mad at me because I kept going back to jail. So, we broke up for like a week and then we got back together. The judge kept sending me to group homes and I ran to my boyfriend house and was on the run for a long time. The last time I went to jail, he went too because he robbed more than one gas station and they gave him time.

So, we had to communicate through mail, because he was in jail and I was too -- but they stopped letting us send mail inmate to inmate. Now that I am out, I write him 24/7 and put money on his books. When he gets out, he’s going to change his life around. That's what I'm doing this time. I'm doing the right thing by not cutting him off and completing the program so I can have fun with my family and friends. Also, I go see my boyfriend in Santa Rita, where he's locked up.

I am surprised that our relationship has lasted this long. Why? Because we have had our ups and downs, but we always seem to pull it together. One thing that has made our relationship last is trust and the fact that we take the time out to express the way we feel towards what’s good or not right in our relationship. Also, what I think made him do all the stuff he did is because I was in jail and pregnant, so it made him stress out more. I told him that I was getting an abortion because I wasn’t settled or ready to take care of a baby. The good part about my relationship is my loyalty, especially right now as I wait for him to get out so we can be together and start on a positive level.

- Shelkeia Green

My Broken Heart

My first relationship was in 8th grade. I was happy for having my first love and that I had someone to share my feelings and my secrets. We were really happy together, but we had broke up once because one of my supposed friends liked him -- so she separated us. I was mad, but then he came back to me because he understood that I was the only person that he could be with. Everything was going perfect and we had stuck together. He was doing badly at school and I was doing good -- so I helped him move on and do better.

When we graduated from Middle School, we were still together -- but then he told me that he was leaving me because of the friend he had left me for during school. I was mad and I cried for days and didn't get over it until two or three months later. Her name is Stephanie and we were friends since 7th grade. After what happen I didn’t see her and I was so mad that I wanted to fight her. But, I realized that you should never fight for a guy.

I hadn’t seen him till the celebration of El Dia de los Muertos, but he didn’t said anything and I didn’t turn to see his face. I have seen Stephanie because we go to the same school, but I really don’t talk to her anymore and decided to forget things that happened back then. I realized that people have to move on, with someone or without. But when I think of it now, I really don’t care and have decided to move on.

-Viridiana Acosta

My Confused Life

I remember when elementary school was just fun, and nobody worried about anything but being the first one in line or playing at recess. It wasn’t about having a boyfriend, fighting and choosing friends. In the fourth grade, when I switched schools and went to school in North Oakland, that’s when everything bad started happening. I was barely passing in school, and now that I think about it -- I was only in the fourth grade and all this started happening. The rest of my elementary was at that school and I had to pick the friends I hung out with: either the people that everybody wanted to hang with, or the girls who talk mess but don’t back it up. I had my first fight there because of something stupid.

When I went to the sixth grade everything was like a question mark. First, it was like I was the new one at the school so I had to try to fit in, and then all of a sudden my body started changing. I felt like everything in the world had to revolve around me. I would get all emotional when things wouldn’t go my way. Then my body wasn’t as developed as the other girls, so it was hard trying to have a boyfriend and I used to get teased about it. That’s when I started learning about sex and being pressured to do it.

Now I’m in the ninth grade and I feel like every year school is getting harder. Now, everything depends on the people you hang out with. If you hang with the people who do sexual things than everyone thinks you do too, and if you hang with people that talk behind other peoples back than you do, too. Now that I’m in high school I really have to start getting good grades and stuff, if I want to go to college. I don’t live in Oakland anymore, but I still go to school out here. So when my friends tell me to come to some party or another, my mom doesn’t let me because she says people get shot, jumped and drunk. Sometimes I get mad and take it out on teachers at my school. Then I come home and get yelled at again.

Last of all, BOYS. It's still kind of hard for me to get a boyfriend because my body is still not as developed as other girls at my school. Even when I do have a boyfriend, all they care about is sex, but luckily I’m still a virgin. Now, I have a boyfriend that’s not ready for sex just like me, and I guess we have a good relationship.

-Latajh Weaver

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Space to Speak

This blog is a space for a group of young women from Oakland to talk about what's on their mind: sex, relationships, money, children, family, drugs, violence, music, fashion and more. This is an uncensored place for these women to speak what's on their mind. So, let's let these girls speak ....