Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Dear Barack Obama

Dear Barack Obama,

I know that you will be elected as the president, so I just wanted to tell you some things that should change about our country. First of all I think that you should lower gas prices because $3 for one gallon is just not working. I think that when you turn 14 years old, you should be able to get a job, because you should be able to earn money if you are mature enough. Also I think college tuitions should be way cheaper, because you have to pay thousands of dollars just to get a higher education, and there are a lot of people that can’t afford college and they could have been the one that cured AIDS or cancer or they could be one of the best judges or presidents but you would never know just because they couldn’t afford over priced colleges. It’s too hard to rent houses or buy your own houses because it’s too expensive and buying a house should be affordable. Last, I think that there should be larger schools, the classes should be small so you can learn more and get more attention, but the whole school should be large, there are too many small schools.

-- La Tajh

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