Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"Crushin on the wrong one"

I first started getting into boys when I was in the sixth grade. I had the biggest crush on a eigth grader named Walter Bell, he was popular, he played basketball and he had a grill( TOP AND BOTTOMS). He was sooooo fine back then I did'nt know what to do with myself. He had a carmel complextion, light brown eyes and brown dreads with gold tips. I crushed on him for my whole sixth grade year and was teased royally for it. Girls wanted to fight me and i did'tn have any real friends. I never understood why things had to happen like that but i am glad that i learned a lesson... Never fall for a dread head with a grill from west oakland.Another thing i thought i knew about relationships before i got into one was that loosing your viriginity hurts super bad - this was not true for me it wasn't that bad.
Back when i was younger i used to fantisize alot and i did'nt know what relationships was about. Now i know that their is much more to relationships than just having fun and having boyfriends. Relationships are about being committied to your significan other and loving that person and having their back forever for that moment in time.

Misunderstood, 17

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